A fun and interactive experience to develop students' career and college readiness skills

Students, based on their own interests, interview innovators.
They then write articles published online. That's why we call this the "Informational Interview 2.0".
The high school program can be customized for guidance /college counselors, writing classes or
entrepreneurship programs.
Enhance Professional Networks
Learn Critical Communication Skills
Be More Marketable on College Applications
Gain Inspiration About Majors to Explore


Eight short dynamic videos (5-10 minutes each), a student workbook, an accompanying curriculum guide and supplemental live webinars.
Students interview an "innovator" - someone who seems to be doing innovative work in an area that is personally of interest to the student. Potentially, this can be an alumna / alumnus, thus serving as an engaging way to connect current to former students.
Student articles are published on Global Innovators Academy's website and potentially the student’s LinkedIn profile and your school’s website.
The timing will vary - typically it will be 1-2 months.
Feedback would come not only from students' teachers, but also from a global audience.
Sample the Course - Watch Module 1

Yejin Sohn, Perry High School
in Gilbert Arizona
"The Interview an Innovator course experience introduced me to the importance of networking. As a high schooler, I wasn’t comfortable with reaching out to someone I didn’t know and asking them for something. What I found out as I progressed through the course, however, is that connecting with professionals is no big deal. The modules really walk you through everything that students are never taught but expected to know by the time they graduate. Through the experience, I’ve also narrowed down my career interests and am more aware about different opportunities as a result of researching different industries and organizations."



Kevin Anselmo is the founder of Experiential Communications, creator of the Global Innovators Academy and the instructor of the Interview an Innovator experience.
Previously, Kevin was Director of Public Relations for Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and prior to that managed the media relations for IMD in Switzerland. Kevin lived and worked in Switzerland for eight years and in Germany for two years. He has led communications initiatives in various countries around the world.
The Interview an Innovator course is produced by Jason Van Sant, founder of Reach Creative. Jason is a coach, strategist and producer who helps clients create compelling educational videos. For over a decade, he has created many successful promotional videos and courses at Duke University. Learn more about his work.

Student access to all online course materials.
Educator’s curriculum guide.
Live webinar to kick-off session.
Additional webinar at mutually agreeable time to answer student questions.
Direct editorial feedback on all student articles.
Content from student articles that can be placed on your school's website to support your own internal and external marketing.
Potential alumni engagement tool.
Incorporate school branding on course materials.
Up to 5 students - $999 per semester
Up to 10 students - $1,749 per semester
Up to 15 students - $2,249 per semester
Up to 30 students - $2,999 per semester
More than 30 students – To discuss
Special Introductory Rate